DIY Self-Myofascial Release
- A lot of people have heard of using a foam-roller or lacrosse ball to do soft-tissue work on your own. This article talks about techniques using only your hands. An interesting take-away:
A general programming method I learned from a mentor of mine is the need for a 1:1 ratio between training and recovery. More specifically, with each compound movement pattern or emphasis that causes mechanical, metabolic or tensional stress to the tissues involved, a focused recovery session working on those active tissues is not only recommended, it's an absolute necessity for the long term health and functionality of those tissues.
Bear Crawls v. Crab Walks
I dislike crab walks. As the humerus (upper arm) is "hyperextended" behind the body, the head of the humerus (ball) glides forward relative to the glenoid fossa (shoulder socket). This puts a lot of stress on the anterior capsule, biceps tendon, and nerve structures that pass along the front of the shoulder. And, it makes the rotator cuff work overtime from a mechanically disadvantageous position.
(NFSW!) BMFE: Henry Milo Steinborn
Steinborn was the inventor of the "Steinborn Squat". Lifting without a power-rack or squat-stand, he would upend the barbell, tuck underneath it, then squat from the bottom up. I've tried it before and it's definitely as crazy as it sounds.
9 Tips for Dedicated Lifters
10 Reasons Your Squat Might Be Stuck
- Not Squatting Enough
- Weak Quads
- Weak Stabilizing
- Bad Cues
- Maxing too much
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